Which Himalayan Salt Product is Best for Pets

 Himalayan salt has been taking major hype for its uncountable health benefits and sustainability. It’s not only proved to be healthy for human beings but animals as well. Let’s dig deep into which pink salt product is best for your pets. 

Himalayan Salt For Animals: 

Animals require salt contents in their diet in order to perform well. For the very reason, animals love to lick salt especially horses, dogs, cows, deer and zebras. However, experts have recently found that the continuous intake of regular salt is dangerous for animals as the excessive amount of sodium causes blood pressure disorders. 

On the other hand, Himalayan salt contains less sodium and more mineral contents like potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and others. It not only adds salt contents to the diet but useful nutrients as well. It boosts the immunity of animals, makes their bones stronger, and prepares them to produce more milk and others.

Best Salt Product For Pets: 

No doubt, Himalayan salt is easily available in granulated form in order to add it to various remedies but there is one pink salt product that is exclusively being designed for the wellbeing of animals. The product is called animals licking salt block which comes with a long rope for hanging. It is used to promote the concept of mineral licking which involves the animals to lick the pink salt block and get healthier day by day. The block is usually hung in pastures and farms on lower distances so that the animals can easily reach them to lick but cannot move them around. The block can be placed in homes/lawns as well exclusively for dogs. 

Benefits of Mineral Lick: 

As Himalayan salt contains uncountable nutrients, it is proved to promote many healthy changes in animals. Mineral lick is one of the best ways to ensure pink salt intake of animals. Following are some of the major health benefits of mineral lick:

  • It boosts the immune system of the animals.

  • A proper intake of Himalayan salt increases the milk production of the cattle.

  • The calcium content in the pink salt makes the bones of the animals and horses’ hoof stronger. 

  • It prevents animals from developing any strange behavior like drinking their own urine. 

  • It also prevents them from getting any abnormal cravings as their minerals contents are fulfilled. 

  • It also maintains a balance in sugar level. 

  • Himalayan salt is also proved to be an extraordinary stimulator of blood circulation. 

Add Himalayan salt in your pet’s diet and see a clear difference.


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